
Best Interior Design Companies for Small Businesses: How to Find the Best Deal

Small businesses face the unique challenge of prioritizing growth and preservation simultaneously. Finding this delicate balance sometimes means prioritizing your limited budget over your project needs. This is a dangerous choice to make in the current global dynamic. Especially for small businesses located in Dubai where the finest quality is always king. Before choosing the best interior design company for your small business, consider these facts to find the best deal. Naturally, the companies with the most interior design experience in Dubai have the knowledge to best serve their clients. However these companies tend to be larger themselves and that cost is passed on to the customer. Consider instead the companies with the most innovative approach and smaller staff. There are a select few interior design companies who balance experience with innovation in Dubai. Here are the best interior design companies for small businesses. In Dubai the interior design companies which focusing on the WELL standards have the most modern and original approach. WELL standards focus on seven core elements believed essential  for a positive workplace: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards reflect the evolving office which parallels the evolving professional demographic. Today, nearly 80%  Dubai’s professional population  is made up of people under 45 years of age. Therefore It is vital that employers adopt these modern improvements to attract this socially conscious and forward-thinking group of employees. XWorks comes in at the top of the list. Their executive team has nearly 30 years of experience with interior design in Dubai. Currently, they are the one of the only WELL accredited interior design company in Dubai! Xworks experienced the shift in interior design focus first-hand and fully understand the impact a well designed workspace can have on any brand’s business. Xworks takes a holistic approach with their interior design projects. Meaning the workplaces they design stimulate users to interact, move, be open, and engage, essentially creating a thriving workforce. All while upholding the highest standards in energy efficiency and sustainability. The Xworks team is made up of 20 qualified interior design professionals, their tight-knit team prevents them from passing unnecessary staff cost onto the customer. Next in line with over 26 years of experience in interior design in Dubai is BAFCO. Their design team focuses on sustainable solutions that can save the most money. They’ll choose greener fixtures and fittings, use paints and glues that don’t contain the kinds of chemicals that can make you sick, and bring in more natural light and materials. Because they know that good, sustainable office design not only saves the environment, it can also save you money on energy bills. However, unlike Xworks, BAFCO has a team of over 300 employees. Although they’ve a adopted modern approach to interior design it’s hard for a company of that magnitude to fully understand the needs and restrictions of small businesses.

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