
Innovative design for global businesses

In recent years we have seen an increase in new designs being implemented in offices across the globe. These innovative spaces are inspired by the ever-changing demographics in the current work force. Millennial’s now make up 80% of the professional populations in cities like Dubai, and demand a different type of office space that provides a sense of purpose and contributes to the greater good. In response to this, interior design has had to take a different shape, incorporating nature, fitness and nutrition to promote positivity and productivity. Innovative design is leading the way to success on a global scale. Innovation has emerged under the blanket of physical and mental health, with designs focusing on empowering employees to seek the best in themselves, thus bringing the best to the work place. A prime example of this is the WELL Building standards, which focus on seven concepts that are proven to boost morale and positivity. These seven concepts include: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Nourishment, Light, Fitness and Mind. Applying innovations that fit within these sectors is a fail-proof way to watch your business achieve the best results. Thinking globally means thinking human-centred. Designs should tackle issues by looking directly at the needs of the people being designed for and should create new solutions that are made to suit their needs. Applying design to any business should aesthetically reflect a company’s core values, but must also interpret the employee’s needs and answer them through various designs.

  • Is the office too hectic and loud? It might be wise to consider acoustic panels.
  • Is the space balanced enough to provide public and private spaces without segregating anyone? Look into glass panels, or chill-out zones.
  • Are your employees fatigued and under-productive or irritable? Nutrition, fitness, and light should be assessed.
Under the WELL standards, global business will thrive. Millenial’s are now considering work-place dynamic’s when on the job-search, which makes innovative office design an effective tool to recruiting, as well as retaining talent and creating a strong sense of identity. Employees should represent the company, and there is no better way to do that than to accurately communicate the core values in the form of design – through art, carefully considered spaces, colour organisation, and furniture. In addition, creating a space that puts the employees well-being first will result in an increase in energy levels and in turn a highly efficient team. Existing in the global business market means making adjustments to the office. Innovative designs are essential should any company wish to remain relevant. Big changes are taking place within the office interior design world, and these changes are trail-blazing the way to a healthier and more productive work place.

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