
The Series 7 chair in new colors

This year, the iconic Series 7 chair celebrate its 60th anniversary. The chair was designed by Arne Jacobsen back in 1955 who set a completely new standard for chairs with the remarkable design, and even today the Series 7 chair stands out as one of the finest examples of timeless design in the history of furniture. To celebrate the 60th anniversary Fritz Hansen have asked the Danish artist Tal R to pick 9 new colors for the Series 7 chair. Tal R is internationally known for his profound sense of colors and he was therefore a perfect pick to select the anniversary colors. The new colors revitalize the design completely and let us all see the iconic chair in a new light. Tal R has created 9 artistic colors that all are blends and that all change with the light, space, season and other aspects of the environment. Fritz Hansen prefers artistic colors to industrial colors, as these colors are genuine, complex and will patinate over time. The result is a piece of furniture that will continue to live and surprise for many years. The 9 new colors for the Series 7 chair are: Opium Red was chosen by Tal R as it symbolizes the mystique of the Far East and with its decadent expression it sparks associations to Shanghai of the 1930s. The second color picked is the color AI, which is Japanese for indigo blue. Indigo blue is a deep shade of blue that is forever drawn towards black and it is a color with an amazing sense of depth. Tal R also selected the color Chocolate Milk Brown, an indulgent brown that also possesses a touch of creamy white. This color is drawn between brown and rose, which gives it a wonderful warm feel. Trieste is the name of another blue color that Tal R also have selected for the chairs. This color is named after the port city in north-eastern Italy by the very name Trieste and it is the impossible blue that has been used by many artists over the decades – especially by the impressionists. Trieste lies somewhere between violet and blue with strong forces pulling it in both directions. Hüzün Green is the fifth new color and it is inspired by Islamic green, which is also used on the public busses in Istanbul. Hüzün is Turkish for wistful, a word that captures the dreamy mood of the color with its bittersweet touch of nostalgia. What makes this color so unique is that the green has a faded character that fits fantastic with the implied patina. Egyptian Yellow is a rich color that gives associations to the ancient Egypt and the color have that touch of the unknown, which gives it a highly characteristic and distinctive tone. The color is a faded yellow. The seventh color is called Altstadt Rose and it is one of Tal R’s signature colors. The rose expresses impermanence and fiery beauty. This rose has its golden days behind it and is now a fading beauty. The color Evren Purple is named after Tal R’s wife, because when he looks at her, he sees the color purple. To him, she is the essence of that color – attractive and passionate, like the color itself. The final color is called Chevalier and it is an oriental orange. With its air of aristocracy Tal R describes it as the most exclusive color on the new scale.

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