
The Top 5 Design & Build Firms in the Middle East

The use of the popular axiom, “A jack of all trades is a master of none”, is rampant to advocate excelling at only one skill. If specialisation were key, we wouldn’t witness dynamic, multi-faceted professionals climbing corporate ladders swiftly over their peers. Design & Build firms, too, are a pertinent case in point in the saying’s rebuttal. However, it’s not the proverb that is incorrect; it’s its misuse. The original, “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one”, aptly delineates the Design and Build world, particularly when it comes to small to medium-sized interior projects. Reportedly, all is not glamorous on this side of the construction industry. They have their unique trysts as well. These entities juggle multiple roles and are expected to be more agile, cost-effective and organised than multiple companies involved in a traditional design-bid-build process. In hiring these one-stop service providers, clients find themselves in ideal situations. After all, a central touch point is better than many. Yet, it is this very predicament that makes the Design and Build enterprise challenging. We spoke to the key players to assess how the top five firms in the Middle East balance managing timelines, quality control, on-site hurdles and more.  In the process, an insight struck. Perhaps, the secret behind an infallible Design and Build model is the camaraderie between the Head of Operations and the Design Mastermind.

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