
What are the requirements when choosing an interior designer for large corporates?

Many large corporations are deciding to re-consider their workspaces in order to boost productivity and positivity within the office. However, finding the right designer to handle the fit out of a larger company can take some looking into and it is important to find one that ticks all the right boxes. Whether an interior designer will be re-structuring an existing office or starting with a shell, there a few key things to look out for when hiring the right one. 1)     Workplace Analysis Workplace analysis is a very thorough study that involves an observation of a workspace in order to accurately decipher what elements of an office are either benefiting or hindering staff members. During the study a designer will look at every aspect of the office – furniture, amount of people, walls, who collaborates with who the best or the most often, which rooms are used the most, and what is missing from the space that could be a potential aid to productivity. Not all interior design companies offer this service and finding one that is knowledgeable and experienced in working with large corporates is vital. 2)     Environment An interior designer should be able to work out what the goals of a corporation are and how the environment can make achieving these goals more attainable.  Have a clear idea of what your ethos is and ask how the designer plans to represent it best. Creating an environment that reflects the core values of any large corporate company will produce more positive benefits than a workspace that exists merely as a meeting point. 3)     Furniture Furniture not only uses a lot of space, but it greatly impacts the way employees work. Workplace Analysis is the first step in deciding which pieces of furniture are contributing and which pieces are wasting space. The comfort of staff is also important when observing how furniture aids the workspace. Knowledge of which types of furniture creates the most comfort (for instance, ergonomic furniture) is paramount to developing a space that feels relaxing and does not cause any strain to employees bodies. Removing some furniture can also benefit a workspace by encouraging more movement, which is known to increase positivity and productivity. 4)     Space Planning An experienced designer will know how to manipulate a large space for positive results and they will have good knowledge of large spaces as well as working for corporations. Make sure to inquire about their previous work and make sure they will be handle the workload involved in creating a new workspace for a company with many employees and even multiple branches. This list gives with an idea of what capabilities a potential designer should have. Always make sure to have a clear idea of your goals and needs when engaging in a discussion with a designer.

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