Clothing & Book Donation Drive

As part of Xworks Interiors’ sustainability efforts, we have collaborated with Thrift for Good to donate clothes. The proceeds supported the education of children at Raey School in Ethiopia. This initiative also offset approximately 10 kg of carbon emissions and diverted 333 items from landfills.

Gloria X

Xworks Interiors LLC: A Company Committed to Social Responsibility and Conservation   We like creating new things. We like designing and creating beautiful new offices, transformative beautiful spaces, and making the people we partner with smile on a daily basis as a result. We think that’s what life is all about: looking at a blank canvas and imagining what can be painted onto it, all starting from a single thought and bringing something new into existence. At Xworks it’s our raison d’être. But to create the new is only half of the story. Because with every beautiful thing that can be created, there’s something already here that’s equally beautiful. That which already exists should always be preserved and nurtured. Protected, nourished. That’s why we’re so excited to announce that alongside other companies who see the world the same way we do, Xworks has adopted a Rhinoceros in Namibia’s incredible new Rhino Sanctuary.     Gloria X (what a fabulous last name!) is a majestic female rhinoceros who represents hope, resilience, and a brighter future for her endangered species. Gloria X is living proof that some things in this world are worth fighting for. More than profits, business, or kudos. What we love about Gloria is that she’s nature distilled into its purest form. We can’t wait to be by her side, ensuring a long and happy life. Xworks will be with her stride by stride, day by day, with the fabulous heroes at the sanctuary: it’s a social responsibility we embrace to prevent the extinction of these magnificent creatures, caring for them so they can thrive, multiply, and remain protected from the threat of poachers. And most importantly… we believe it’s just the beginning. You see, sometimes when we create something new, we overlook what’s already here. But when we take a glance at the world around us and take a step towards protecting what needs protecting and nourishing, like Gloria X and her endangered species, we believe the world will thrive. Children of the future will thank us, and beautiful creations like Gloria X will, too.     These are the kinds of initiatives that we are only too delighted to be a part of. The world is full of beauty, new and old, and together we can ensure its harmony and prosperity for generations to come. And it all starts with Gloria X. Would you also like to be a benevolent sponsor? Click here to know more.  

International Women’s Day

Xworks fosters a gender-inclusive atmosphere within our workplace. We are committed to promoting diversity, inclusion, and ensuring equal opportunities for all employees. Moreover, we firmly believe in upholding equity alongside equality to maintain a fair and supportive environment.

Team Trees

In our effort to take action aganist deforestation, Xworks has proudly supported Team Trees in their mission to plant 20 million trees throughout the year 2020. As expected, the collective efforts from all over the world have led to the planting of over 20 million trees, making a significant positive impact on the environment.

International Plastic Bag Free Day

At Xworks Interiors, we are committed to reducing plastic waste and preserving our planet. That’s why we have embraced recyclable bags as a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic bags. By making this small change, we are taking a giant leap towards a greener future.

Iftar Kit Distribution Abu Dhabi

Our organization actively collaborates with other groups to extend support to the less fortunate, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. This heartfelt initiative involves enthusiastic participation from our employees who contribute both financially and actively engage in this charitable action.  

Iftar Kit Distribution Dubai

Our organization actively collaborates with other groups to extend support to the less fortunate, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. This heartfelt initiative involves enthusiastic participation from our employees who contribute both financially and actively engage in this charitable action.  

Breast Cancer Awareness

“Breast cancer awareness is not only a matter of social responsibility but also an essential aspect of corporate commitment to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals. Xworks, as a responsible company, raises awareness about breast health for both women and men and the importance of screening for early diagnosis. By promoting knowledge and understanding, we aim to empower individuals to take proactive steps in safeguarding their well-being and contributing to a healthier society.”