Interior Design Cost for Large Corporates

The last decade has been a turning point for designers and offices alike. Long gone are the cubicles and unused conference rooms. The world now faces a wave of thoughtful design, created to benefit the mental and physical health of employees, thus boosting productivity in the workspace. Many large corporations are turning to such an environment in order to satisfy the growing demand from the millennial generation for an office that reflects a more unconventional mindset. In addition, the proven benefits of installing ergonomic furniture, incorporating nature and fresh air, and adapting the core values of the WELL standards are enough to make any large company reconsider how design is impacting their staff. But how much does this all cost, and what is involved? Below is a more thorough explanation of what to expect when giving your office a re-design. 1)    Size of space This is the number one factor affecting price. The larger the space, the more work and material must go into it. Consider whether the space is being built from a shell or if it is just a refit of an existing office. Take a look at the amount of rooms, walls, and installations that could affect the process – these are all elements of ‘space’. 2)    Size of your team The number of employees will greatly affect the cost of a design. Considering furniture, bathroom stalls, extra space for meeting rooms and break areas for a larger amount of people means incorporating more furniture and creating more space. 3)    Timeline The quicker the fit-out, the more it will impact the cost. Ensure you have an expectation on speed of completion before entering in a discussion with a designer, but also have realistic goals. Certain aspects of any design will delay the process – make sure the designer is clear about these elements. 4)    Quality of Materials  A turn of phrase is “quality over quantity,” but sometimes in design you might need both. Choosing to go with ergonomic furniture – built for optimal comfort – will bring up the price tag, but will provide a return on investment that a sub-standard office chair couldn’t: for example through minimizing sick days due to back pain. Choosing to incorporate natural materials that are more environmentally friendly could also affect cost, as well as going for more durable materials or unique installations. However, it is vital to remember that the aesthetics of an office are just as important as the functionality. 5)    Workplace Analytics  Though applying workplace analytics could bring your total cost up, it can also bring it down. Workplace analytics focuses on studying the movements of an office from how much each and every chair is utilized, how employees collaborate and which rooms seem to be the favourite. An accurate analysis might show that fewer chairs are needed and less walls – which will bring down your cost in other ways. It is also a proven method to discovering which elements will bring the office up to optimum productivity and what can be left… Continue reading Interior Design Cost for Large Corporates

How much does workplace analysis cost: What is the real ROI?

Workplace Analysis is a vital step to creating an office design that will benefit all parties involved. Within the analysis, discoveries will be made as to which regions of a workplace are contributing the productivity and which spaces are ‘dead space’, and can be eliminated or changed to better suit a company’s goals. Workplace analysis is an important addition to any design because without all of the available information about employee’s needs and wants, space observation, and informed suggestions, money can be wasted on designing elements that are not needed. The cost of workplace analysis, like any interior design, varies. The size of the workplace is the first thing to consider when assessing the price – the more desks, rooms, areas, & furniture will mean more aspect to study. The next factor is how many staff work there, as the more staff, the more time required to make accurate observations. This allows for the design team to learn about what kind of work people do in different type of work settings, meeting rooms and other spaces. It also helps to give insight about relationships and who works best together – perhaps these colleagues should be situated closer to those that collaborate the best. Lastly, a timeline must be implemented – it is important to have a clear idea of how quickly you need your analysis done. The more urgent the completion is, the more money it will cost. When considering any design, think of the long-term impact and don’t cut corners. While it is possible to create a more modern and aesthetically pleasing office without a designer or a workplace analysis, there are many other factors that will bring you a much higher return on investment. The real return on investment when choosing to implement a new design is the wellbeing of employees – happy and healthy employees have less sick days, work harder and are more passionate about the work and the brand, thus improving efficiency and profit. Workplace analysis looks at relationships, dynamism, and the finer details of design, which have been proven to aid in boosting business performance. In the long run, spending the extra money to have a design done to the highest standard and insight will continue to prove its worth. The future of any company depends how satisfied it’s employees are, and how well the office utilizes the right tools in order to bring optimum productivity.

How to relieve stress in the workplace with innovative design

The sedentary office has caused an alarming amount of people to experience anxiety, depression, insomnia, and decreased mental and physical health. “The World Health Organisation now lists inactivity as the fourth-biggest killer of adults as our sedentary lifestyles bite back – turns out sitting at a desk all day staring at a monitor is more dangerous than it looks.” As a clear reaction to this, many businesses are opting to deliver a different type of work place. International companies like Google feature gyms, laundry services, and hairdressers in their buildings, while others promote movement by encouraging employees to walk from one setting to another throughout the day. Noting the negative effects certain designs have on a work place has inspired a new type of building standard called WELL. WELL focuses on seven concepts that are proven to not only address the design of a building, but also how this design impacts human behaviors related to health and wellbeing. Applying these innovative concepts to any design will relieve stress and promote a healthy work place that encourages productivity. As stress is a response to mental and physical issues, it is important to find the root of these causes. AIR Under the WELL standards, buildings are required to promote clean air and reduce or minimise the sources of indoor air pollution.  Studies show that air pollution is responsible for many negative health issues. In addition, air quality issues can reduce work productivity and lead to sick building syndrome, where no disease or cause can be identified, yet the health issues are linked to time spent in a building. Implementing ventilation design, smoking bands, and air filtration are all ways to reduce stress caused by pollution. WATER An astonishing 75% of people are chronically dehydrated, which is not made better by drinking too many caffeinated drinks or even drinking contaminated water. Dehydration is the cause of many ailments such as fatigue, depression, and anxiety, which means water and stress are directly linked. Clean drinking water is necessary for optimal health and should be available to employees through water filtrations and other cleaning methods, as well as encouraged. NOURISHMENT WELL requires the availability of fresh, wholesome foods, limits unhealthy ingredients and encourages better eating habits and food culture. 1 Nutrition is vital to maintaining our over all health, and with the right diet, stress levels can be hugely decreased. Offering healthy options within the canteen will encourage employees to make smarter (and healthier) choices. LIGHT Something we don’t often think about is how much light has an impact on our wellbeing. Our bodies rely heavily on natural light to keep our circadian rhythm working optimally. When inside an office all day under artificial light, our natural body clock can be thrown off, causing bad sleep and many other issues, including stress. Incorporating natural light into the work place can help to monitor the body clock and ensure employees are getting ample sleep. FITNESS Going hand in hand with nourishment, fitness plays a vital role in significantly reducing stress… Continue reading How to relieve stress in the workplace with innovative design

Well certified Gold interior design in Dubai: What does it take to achieve the gold standard

Before we address what is required to achieve the Gold level in the WELL Building Standard, perhaps we should first expand upon what the WELL Building Standard actually is. WELL focusses on the interaction and between a constructed environment and the people who it affects in terms of health and wellbeing. It may not at first be obvious but elements of the environment in which a person is situated can be monitored and measured in real terms. Air and water quality, natural light, comfort and the psychological effect the environment promotes are some of the elements used by the Well Building Standard to assess the how that particular environment will benefit the health and wellness of the humans that use the space. WELL employs a wide array of medical principles and research to investigate the correlation between the built-up areas where people spend up to 90% of their time and their health and wellness. The intention of a WELL certified space is to foster an environment that promotes better nutrition, attitude and mood, physical and psychological fitness and even improved sleep patterns. Certification of the WELL Building Standard® is carried out by an independent third-party called the Green Business Certification Incorporation or the GBCI for short. WELL looks to measure 7 specific elements and how the design and operation of a building or built space will impact the knowledge, health and comfort of the occupants. Those elements (known as WELL Features) are air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind. Although WELL can be applied to almost any type of building or real estate, the current focus is on commercial and institutional office spaces. These are further dissected into New and Existing structures, Interiors and shell & core to ensure the measurements are specific and relevant to the type of space being assessed. Application of the WELL principles is being tested in multiple additional areas such as residential, F&B, school & university and retail and we can expect to see this becoming more prevalent in years to come. Achieving the Gold level of certification requires a myriad of measured and reported proofs.. Upon registering to be considered for WELL certification, a WELL Coach is appointed to assist and guide the project in applying the principles to the design elements.. There then follows a review of documentation relating to each of the 7 elements being considered and a technical evaluation (both pre and post occupation of the space) after which the space can be considered. Meeting all the requirements (100%) of the WELL Features will not earn you the Gold Certification however. To be awarded the Gold Certification, the space will need to over achieve and be recognized as having met every aspect of the WELL conditions in addition to demonstrating significant over achievement. Perhaps the best way to experience what a WELL Gold Certified space is compared to simple aesthetic design would be to experience one yourself. Why not contact a business near you to arrange a meeting or tour… Continue reading Well certified Gold interior design in Dubai: What does it take to achieve the gold standard


In the (spring/summer/autumn/winter) of 2016, X Works were presented with a challenge from Canon, a challenge that would ultimately deliver a working environment for the Canon staff in the UAE unlike any they had experienced before. Canon outlined their aspiration to become an employer of choice, an employer who embraced productivity and efficiency at the forefront of their proposition not by slashing spending and squeezing their teams but by motivating and inspiring them to deliver. Lead by the Human Resource section of their business, Canon took the bold step to engage X Works to create a workspace that engendered this philosophy. This would ultimately lead to a space that would be efficient and productive by maximizing its function and personality and be tailored to the people and activities which it was intended to support. Delivering such a concept focusses on design to fit what the workforce needs. But how does a business truly understand themselves what they need from this design short of cost and how it looks. X Works employed structured Data Analysis to establish where the company wanted to be at the end of the project and to design the concept with that specific purpose. This involved both quantative and qualitative evaluation, that is to say, not only looking at where team members are sitting but why and for what period of time or purpose. To ensure minimal disruption (and to eliminate the concerns of the staff), the collection of data was carried out by the Canon team. The quantative elements were collated first, recording where the team members were sitting, standing and communicating throughout the working day. The qualitative elements were gathered by engaging the staff themselves and asking for their thoughts and feelings surrounding the current set-up and what they felt would benefit them individually and as a collective. Building on this momentum, the findings of the survey were communicated to the Regional Group in a ‘Town Hall’ style meeting allowing the teams to contribute further and raise any questions or concerns that could be further added to the data. As a Human Resources lead project, the importance of understanding how the environment needs of today’s teams as well as future generations was paramount to future proofing the design. Working groups were established within the Canon team to continually feed into the project and ensure the development could be flexible and adaptable to new or additional information and criteria on the move. The delivery of the designed space was to be carried out in 4 stages reflecting the set-up of the Canon operation itself. The first and largest section would be the Middle East division which would be followed by the Central and North African division, shared services then Reception (or Welcome Area). Canon Middle East Being the largest sector in terms of number of people and space, the findings from the survey stage would be applied to gain the maximum benefit from these substantial resources. Delivering an open environment with designated zones rather than individual… Continue reading Canon

Cracknell Landscaping and Architects

Cracknell Landscaping and Architects are regional leaders in their field and have been for in excess of 20 years. The business grew organically over this period and was born in a small conventional office in Satwa that grew and grew in line with its burgeoning success. As the business expanded, so did its need for additional space taking on additional offices as it went. This once small operation had grown to such an extent, the office spaces they had expanded into were adjacent and linked but, as they realized, not integrated as one. They took the bold and brave decision to leave their original home in Satwa and move into the modern D3 tower in AL Jadaf and engaged the expertise of Xworks with the design of their new offices. Taking on the project for Xworks was an interesting challenge, not least as Cracknell Landscaping and Architects are themselves at the forefront of Design and Aesthetics. At this point we should highlight that they are also a team of professional and experienced architects and no strangers to design. Working closely together, the design process was to become a living, breathing and constantly evolving project. As more design elements were being agreed, new and fresh ideas from the collaborative think tank were allowed to be factored in. This healthy willingness to adapt and integrate new ideas played a major part in ensuring the end result was far and beyond the original expectations. The design was split into three defined areas, the Architectural Arrival Experience, the Executive Wing and Creative Space. The Architectural Arrival Experience welcomes in staff and visitors with a professional and inviting environment and also provides access to the Executive Wing and the Creative Space. The Executive wing is home to the owners and Directors offices as well as the management and back office teams, perhaps the more conventional office environment. The creative space is a catalyst for productivity and innovation that truly reflects what the company delivers to its customers. Studio and architectural workspaces are integrated with ad hoc work-shop facilities, creative stations and even a material library for tactile reference and brain storming. Fueling this hot bed of activity is fully functioning coffee point operated by a professional Barista. The flooring of the creative space is an actual rather than metaphorical reflection of their industry and work and also a testament to the company’s willingness to explore creative boundaries. The Flooring is textured and designed to appear to be hard landscaped material, a constant reminder of the core competency of the business. The success of this project and the stunning results are a true testament to the unique approach and creativity provided by Xworks coupled with the willingness of Cracknell Landscaping to embrace change and innovative ideas.


The Pandora Project, like all projects in reality, had its own peculiar challenges. Creative use of space is at the centre of Xworks expertise and the space available for this project was long and narrow with spectacular views at one end whilst overlooking the rooftop facilities of the adjacent buildings all along the remainder. There was also a genuine need to align the design to Pandora corporate standards which had the potential to stifle the use of maximum creativity if a pre-determined template was followed. To counteract this, Pandora and Xworks worked together to challenge the norm and focus on the peculiar demographic and cultural mix of the region and the fact that the Middle East, Africa and India region for Pandora was already identified as a burgeoning market for the company. At the core of the Pandora product range is the fact that every piece of their range is beautifully crafted and intricate and this would be reflected in meticulous attention to detail. Height adjustable tables were employed throughout the space reflecting the brands routes and the focus on this element from their origins in Denmark which ensures every team member is not only able to adjust the height of their chair to match their height but to raise or lower the work surface for optimum comfort (and, of course, productivity). In fact every element of the project from the furniture and fittings down to the finishing and even fabrics were chosen to mirror this important brand distinction. Focusing on using maximum natural daylight, the design used the central core of the space to provide an essential product training area that could be kept open or closed off when necessary or desired. Making the best use of the amazing views, the space provided for all internal and external interactions, client meetings and presentations was located in that end of the work area ensuring the benefit was felt by the maximum number of people. To detract from the long and narrow construction, 3D design was used with multiple levels and vertical features creating aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces where the relief (change in levels) are furniture in themselves. Perhaps the most innovative element included relates to the brands absolute immersion in its own campaigns. When Pandora launches each new campaign, the outlets are updated to reflect that new message and theme. The same is included in the head office design where new media technology allows these themes to be programmed into the system and to change the atmosphere and graphics in line with each new campaign that is launched. This in turn ensures that the design is always on brand and up to date with each campaign without disruption or the need to redecorate. The Pandora project is a testament to the brand wanting to provide an exceptional workplace designed around the individuals who will work there and getting the maximum possible benefit from the space and natural resources available.

Shelf Drilling

Shelf Drilling is one of the companies in the oil industry that not only weathered the storm of the global oil price decline but continued to thrive. Shelf Drilling operates in 4 main regions, Southeast Asia, India, West Africa and MENAM (Middle East, North Africa & Mediterranean but is managed from its headquarters in Jumeirah Lakes Towers in Dubai, UAE. Shelf Drilling engaged X Works for a project to rationalise and maximize their use of space in the headquarters that were spread over 3 floors of JLT (One) and to house the operation across a single floor. Their original idea was to use the space as cubicles in the main central area and to accommodate their director level staff in offices around that space, a fairly common set-up and one favoured by Western or US based companies as a rule. Assigning the task of designing this to X Works was to result in using the space in a creative and innovative way that would leverage the natural beauty of the views available and the natural light provided by the external windows. This, of course, over and above X Works unique talent for getting the maximum productivity and ‘feel good’ effect from the square footage available. Often when looking at new designs and fit-out, a significant factor in the budget will be driven by furniture costs. As part of Shelf Drillings commitment to corporate social responsibility, they wanted to use as much of their existing office furniture and equipment as possible (no sense in replacing what can be re-used, right?). X Works was able to incorporate the existing furniture and adapt the designs to ensure this was carried out and to recycle their current assets without diminishing the aesthetic and practical results. The relatively high concentration of director level staff meant that there would be a genuine requirement for private office space whereas the need for productive collaborative space to meet clients and partners would also need to be given attention. By combining the ‘hustle and bustle’ of an American diner type setting, X Works delivered a design that provided multi-purpose space for break out, relaxation and informal team meetings. Recognising the importance of a formal setting, they also incorporated a dual function to the board room space to allow it to also be used for Disaster Management (an essential element that in a perfect world would never be required but is an absolute must have, just in case). By utilising ‘dual purpose’ in community spaces and placing break-out and meeting spaces in an open plan design, the needs of all aspects of the business are delivered to create a destination ‘to get work done’. The elements combine to provide all the unique and critical aspects by understanding how (and how often) the space will be used and to factor that into the design from the ground up. This project also highlights that the design can adapt and incorporate existing assets to keep the budget focused on delivering function and bespoke… Continue reading Shelf Drilling

How to choose the best task chair in Dubai

There are a multitude of considerations when considering which task chairs to select for your teams. Of course, budget will be right up there but also, how the design fits in with the overall theme and feel of your work place but what about the aspects that will have the biggest impact on your employees. Task chairs can have a significant impact on your employees health, wellbeing and, directly linked to those elements, their productivity and effectiveness. This article wont focus on budget (largely as that is an objective consideration) but we will look at the some of the subjective parts that will help you make the best selection possible. Have you got your employees back? One of the most common losses of productivity and absence from employees almost the world over concerns back complaints. Doctors themselves find it tricky to treat back complaints as the symptoms are often invisible to the physician and any treatment based mostly on the communication from the patient. The best way to tackle this is by having chairs with the right support for the back. The chair back rest should be able to cater for the many different sizes and shapes of your employees with the ability to adapt for height, lumber support and rake (recline). Imagine a soothing Waterfall A surprising number of complaints of discomfort come from the seat itself (the ‘shelf’ on which the user will actually sit). The front of the seat should not have a sharp edge that can dig into or even restrict circulation behind the knee and should gently flow in a curving form like a cascading waterfall. The seat itself must be able to distribute the weight of the user evenly so the right level of padding is a must. With Task chairs, right angles are the right angles To maintain healthy and relaxed joints in a sitting position, the joints of your limbs should rest at 90 degree angles. That means your thigh should be parallel to the floor and the shin perpendicular to it making a 90 degree angle at the knee. Your feet should rest flat on the floor with a right angle at the ankle. To achieve this, your task chairs will need to have fully adjustable seat heights and, where possible, adjustable seat length to give the required support to the bum and thigh. This will deliver optimal comfort and circulation. Don’t forget to think of the neck and shoulders. Although you will be sitting, the arm rests should also be adjustable to enable your shoulders and neck to relax (consider also height adjustable desks to get the perfect position). Please, let me breathe Take care in choosing the fabric for your chairs, A balance between the hard wearing (but often scratchy or uncomfortable) and the fully breathable soft plush fabrics needs to be struck. You will want your chairs to last but, please remember that if you need your employees to spend significant time sitting, their butts will need to… Continue reading How to choose the best task chair in Dubai

How furniture design can improve your team

In the modern workplace, your employees are likely to be spending a considerable amount of time at their work station. For some, this can be 8 hours or even more so, the comfort and function of where they will be sitting will have a significant impact on their effectiveness and productivity. Chairs that are designed to be comfortable and functional in the office come in many shapes and forms and can be known as Task Chairs. Let’s consider some of the important attributes and features to take into account when selecting the right Task Chairs and furniture or your teams: Ergonomic Design:As your employees will spend around 8 hours of the day (or more) at the workplace, it stands to reason they will be spending a great deal of that time using desks and chairs. If the chairs they are sitting on are comfortable, they will find it easier to keep focused on their work without the distractions that can be caused by sore backs and bums or discomfort. Being able to adjust the heights of the seat and the arm rests are very important and proper lumber support is essential to stave off back complaints. Furniture Shape:Xworks focusses heavily on creating environments that promote Wellness in your teams and your task chairs have some hidden talents you may not be aware of. Did you know that round edge furniture has been linked to encouraging creativity and productivity as well as promoting happiness (positive emotions). Staying on the theme of curves, employees that are placed in a circular position are more likely to engage, work and think as a team. What are your chairs made of?:Look after your employees behind. They are going to be sitting for many hours so the seat should have a degree of padding (soft and supporting). You will also need to consider maintenance and how easily the material can be cleaned (without it falling apart or degrading). Get of your butt:Perhaps a glaringly obvious outcome of various studious is the correlation with long hours of sitting with ailments such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Your employees should ideally take regular breaks and get up and move around to increase minor physical activity and circulation. That being said, it is not always possible to do this so using standing desks is a great way to get the best of both worlds. Let Xworks show you the options that would suit your environment whilst taking the best care of your teams health and posture. As always, better health means better energy which translates into productivity. The end result:A clean work area with interesting colours and shapes is going to have a positive effect on your employees well-being and productivity. Get guidance from the experts and explore what creative and exciting enhancements you can make that will fit your budget as well as the size and shape of your work environment.

Xworks Interiors receives LEED GOLD Certification for their new Abu Dhabi Office.

We are proud to announce that Xworks Interiors LLC has achieved LEED Gold certification for our very own Abu Dhabi Office. This prestigious recognition, awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council, highlights our dedication to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. The LEED Gold certification acknowledges our commitment to environmentally responsible building design and construction. Through energy-efficient technologies, water conservation strategies, and mindful material selection, Xworks Abu Dhabi Office exemplifies our mission to create a greener future. This accomplishment wouldn’t have been possible without the collective efforts of our talented team and partners. We extend our gratitude to everyone involved for making this achievement a reality. As we celebrate this milestone, we reaffirm our pledge to continue championing sustainability and seeking innovative ways to contribute positively to the communities we serve.

Expediting Design: Xworks Interiors

Xworks Interiors Soren Kraen, Executive Director & Owner with Michelle Lozano Palomera, Associate Partner & Design Manager “Michelle and I have worked together since the conceptualization of Xworks Interiors 14 years ago”, says Soren, smiling away through the conversation. “Over the years, we have developed a strong business relationship based on trust and healthy communication. The highlights of this rare association, as two experts in the industry, are the shared compatibility, the practice of fluent idea sharing, effective communication, all of which results in the enhancement of formulating new design strategies for the company.” Why would you recommend Design & Build to clients over design-bid-build? Particularly, what do you think makes your establishment the go-to for projects? Soren: The choice between Design & Build and Design-Bid-Build approaches varies with regards to the project’s scale and the client’s preferences. Generally, Design & Build is considered more suitable for small and medium projects, while Design-Bid-Build is often favoured for mega-sized projects. I believe clients must assess their requirements and projects, and make the choice keeping in mind factors such as Return of Investment, scale and priorities. The advantages of working with a Design & Build firm over a traditional Design-Bid-Build include direct and easy communication that shorten time consumed through the approval processes. Projects can be delivered quicker to meet tight deadlines or accommodate schedule constraints more efficiently. Cost efficiency is a major advantage as well. The design-build team coalesces to find innovative solutions to optimise the project’s design and identify cost-saving opportunities. The disadvantage could be that a D&B firm might offer limited design solutions. When it comes to our USP, we pride ourselves on acknowledging the importance of providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees. Thus, our designs are built mainly on the LEED and WELL Standards. Our team’s ability to incorporate these standards to develop a creative vision, conceptualise innovative and visually appealing designs is one factor that makes Xworks Interiors the go-to for projects. In addition to this, are Xworks Interiors’ fundamental values which are collaboration and trustworthiness that shape the culture and behaviour of the company. These values help us in establishing strong internal and external relationships, fostering teamwork, and creating lasting relationships with clients. There is no project that we are not proud about. The vision at Xworks Interiors is not to be the biggest but to be the best in the industry. Therefore, we ensure that our core values are strategically incorporated into every project we undertake. Our focus lies in harmonising design aesthetics with the ability to create spaces that align with clients’ brand identity and target audience. Our commitment extends beyond delivering projects promptly and within budget; we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations amidst inevitable challenges and constraints. In your opinion, how is the role of the Head of Design in a D&B firm different from the role of the Principal Designer in a Design firm? Are there added responsibilities or challenges? Michelle: The Principal Designer within a Design firm excels at delivering functional and… Continue reading Expediting Design: Xworks Interiors