New Managing Director to join the Dubai Office from August 1st 2015

We are very happy to announce a significant addition to our team in Dubai. Kaj Helstrand has decided to return to Dubai, following 5 years based out of Singapore in a global role with one of the largest office furniture vendors in the world. He will be taking on the role of Managing Director of Xworks’ Dubai operation. Through his experience as a Workplace Strategist and Designer supporting global companies, combined with his perfect understanding of the UAE market from his 7 years with Gemaco Interiors UAE (2003 – 2010), he will be able to bring immense value to Xworks’ clients. Kaj will be a trusted advisor in creating workplace designs that link directly to our clients’ business and people needs. Kaj is fully aligned with the ‘Xworks mindset’ of ‘no organization is stronger than the people who make it’ – the level of employee engagement and job-satisfaction you find in the workforce, is a reflection of the inner values of a company  – and a well-designed workplace can serve as a great enabler to achieve just that. Søren Kræn will continue as Executive Director, overseeing the overall responsibilities for both the Dubai and the Abu Dhabi office.

It’s a special XWORKS DAY today

Today is a very special day for Xworks Interiors LLC. Not only is it our 6th anniversary, but today we also officially open our new office in Abu Dhabi, and we are so excited about the future. It goes without saying that it is a HUGE thing for us to be able to launch a new office in Abu Dhabi exactly 6 years after we opened Xworks Interiors LLC here in Dubai. It has been a dream of ours for a while to open an office in Abu Dhabi, but we didn’t want to take any chances, so we have waited for the right moment. And it’s now! The business here in Dubai is going great. We are now at a place, where we get to work on a lot of exciting projects, and we are growing at the right pace – with all the right people, and we love every single moment. That’s why we believe it is time to open in Abu Dhabi too, so that we can meet the growing demand from clients based in the capital of UAE alongside with our business here in Dubai. The process in Abu Dhabi has taken a little longer than we anticipated, but we are finally there! We now have our license, an office and even the first employee besides from Torben Hildebrandt, who is our Managing Director in Abu Dhabi. Without Torben as the Managing Director, we would probably not have started up in Abu Dhabi just yet, because we believe that choosing the right people is key for our business, and Torben is just that – the right man for us and for our business. So today is one big happy day here at Xworks Interiors. And don’t worry. Even though we are – right now – only celebrating all the good things in-house, we are planning to do a little something for partners and clients later this year. We just want to have everything up and running smoothly first. 6 years. 2 offices. We wonder what it will look like in another 6 years. Greetings Søren Kræn

oject of the Month: Executive Office in DIFC

It is time for another Project of the Month, and this time we have selected a project we did in cooperation with LW Design. It is a project we are very proud of having been a part of and we are very happy with the result. The project was a high-end executive office in DIFC, and was based on a very high-end design, high-end specs and only the best materials. As the client wanted a very exclusive office, LW Design created an office that was inspired by great and classical design – but with a modern twist. Furthermore, we had a strong focus on the choices we made in regards to the materials and finishes. Therefore, it was a very detail oriented job, where we only selected the best items of the highest quality available to us – all the way down to the light switches. And we must say that the result speaks for itself. The client needed an office with a lot of storage and display options – without compromising the exclusive look and feel, they wanted. So we found ways to build clever and discrete storage solutions in the finest wooden materials that we also used for wood panels all over the office. We also created ledges to display projects in the same materials to really emphasize the exclusive look. Another detail we are very proud of is the big concrete wall in the reception area. This feature adds something extra to the overall exclusive look, and it gives the office a very modern touch as well. Something that has become very popular the last couple of years, and we have now completed a few projects with such walls, and they just look good every time. The colors chosen for the office are the very trendy, classical earth color tones. These colors are calm, quite neutral and creates a sense of balance to a room. And this is exactly what the client wanted. The office should be exclusive and neutral, so that all the projects on display at the office would stand out. As to suppliers, we used ege carpets for the floors, Danogips for the ceilings and the furniture was a mix of Haworth, Forma 5 and Carl Hansen. Want to see more pictures of this beautiful office? Then just click here!

Project of the Month: Maersk Training

It is time for yet another Project of the Month, and this time we are sharing a project we just finished for Maersk Training here in Dubai. Maersk Training is opening up its first state-of-the-art training facilities in Dubai South and Xworks was selected as the full fit out contractor including the design. This new training facility will be used for advanced operational simulation training with special focus on safety and competence in offshore drilling and maritime operations. In order to accommodate Maersk Training’s simulators and training equipment we had to pay immensely attention to the MEP works, as the machinery have certain additional demands from the electrics and A/C in order to operate properly. In terms of the design of the training facilities and offices the focus was on functionality, which means that form follows function in this project – without compromising the style of Maersk. As to suppliers we have for this project provided our client with furniture from Offecct and Forma5 – while the carpet was supplied from Ege Carpet and the ceiling from KnaufDanoline. If you want to see more pictures from the project, then just click right here

Everyone you should know

Xworks Interiors is thrilled to share with you its latest collaboration with the well known magazine Commercial Interior Design. You can now grab your copy and learn more about Xworks’ future projects and services in their supplement “Everyone you should know”. To make sure that you are up to date with what is happening, you can also find the article below. Enjoy your reading. Tell us about your company. In a reality where the only constant factor seems to be change, creating the space in which we all are guilty of spending most of our time awake engaging in ‘work’, is a serious taks. At Xworks, we are very aware of this, and of our clients’ need to be competitive. At the same time, however, we are very mindful that a welldesigned workplace can stimulate users to interact, move, be open, and engage, essentially creating a thriving workforce. And a happy employee is a productive one! We deliver full, turnkey interior solutions, from front-end analysis of utilisation and workstyles, to workplace design and project management, through to construction and furniture supply. Søren Kræn established Xworks Interiors in 2009, following years in leading positions at large interior fit-out firms in the UAE. With more than 25 years of UAE experience, we know the market dynamics very well. Experience is critical to Xworks’ success, as the complexity and richness of the multicultural demographics in this region make it challenging yet exciting to operate here. Today, we are aware that office design goes well beyond mere aesthetics. In fact, workforce demographics, new technology, space allocation, mobility, and awareness of health in the workplace are all changing the office landscape and affecting working patterns. Our mission is to explore and challenge any changes in the market’s needs, and to provide our clients with workplace solutions that support a sense of well-being while encouraging productivity – in clear alignment with are shifting from a “bigger is better” mentality to a “smaller but smarter” approach to office design. They have realised that more efficient design enhances productivity and retention, which has a direct impact on the company’s effectiveness. Human-centric design is another important trend embraced by the industry more recently. We believe that the health and wellbeing of employees is now at the heart of any office design requirement, due to its positive impact on productivity. Studies show that with this comes lower staff turnover and decreased employee costs overall. Data-driven design is also a key trend we have identified in our industry. Companies are looking for ways to use data and insights to keep employees comfortable, and to engage them in the office design process in order to give them a space they like to work in. the clients’ business strategy and brand. What projects have you been involved in? We have been involved in a number of projects over the past 7 years. Our clients and portfolio include a number of blue chip companies such as VISA, Gilead Sciences Dubai, Ernst & Young, HQ Creative,… Continue reading Everyone you should know

WELL interior design standards in Dubai and Abu Dhabi: Shifting Office Fundamentals in 2017

In recent years we have seen an increase in innovative offices spanning across the globe. Trends began with implementing in-house company gyms, bike storage to encourage a more environmentally friendly and fitness-orientated lifestyle, as well as colourful conference rooms and canteen menu’s designed by leading nutritionists. From these subtle changes have emerged studies documenting the positive effects office design has on business performance. In 2015 Robertson Cooper studied 7,600 employees from 16 countries and found that office design is affected by both the “presence (or absence) of natural light, decorative plants, windows, and a private desk space.” Without just one of these elements, the employees experience a negative effect, which is both detrimental to business performance and mental health. In response to this shift, the WELL Building Standard™ was created. WELL interior design focuses on seven elements they believe are imperative for a positive workplace: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards reflect the evolving office which parallel’s the evolving demographic. Millennial’s now dominate the work stratosphere in the world’s professional cities.  Nowhere is this more evident than in Dubai, where 80% of the professional population is made up of people under 45 years of age. With the freelance business booming, it is vital that employers adopt these modern improvements to attract this socially conscious and forward-thinking group of employees. Millennial’s will continue to influence change in office innovation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. They desire a career that provides a sense of purpose and contributes to the greater good – office design in Dubai must reflect these goals. 2017 is set to be a pioneering year in conscious office design in the UAE. Here are some of the trends that can boost positivity and business performance: THE OFFICE DESK Jeff Pochepan, the president of leading office design company Strong Project states, “Adjustable height desks, treadmill workstations, data-integrated personal tables, and “wireless” desks are swiftly dominating modern commercial workplaces for one simple reason: they adapt to the employee’s needs, they don’t require the employee to adapt to it”. COLLABORATIVE FURNITURE Collaborative furniture encourages conversation and collaboration, which in turn fuels ideas and creativity. These pieces are shaped to bring people together. Whether it’s bench seating, or inward facing sofa’s, collaborative furniture facilitates interconnectedness within the team. NATURE Studies show that psychological health can be improved through the mere presence of “nature”. Spaces that have natural light, potted plants to circulate oxygen and engage workers in gardening practices – these are two ways to bring nature to your workplace and interior design in Dubai. Dr. Chris Knight from Exeter University and his team traveled around the world experimenting with different methods in order to discover how to boost office morale. One of their most exciting findings included emptying offices completely, and then introducing plants. “When plants were brought into the offices –employee performance on memory retention and other basic tests improved substantially.” FITNESS We are all aware of how important physical fitness is for our overall health and happiness, but the nature of the… Continue reading WELL interior design standards in Dubai and Abu Dhabi: Shifting Office Fundamentals in 2017

How much does interior design cost in Dubai?

When planning out any interior design project, one of the first questions asked is: How much is this going to cost? Chances are, if you pair your project with the right company, it could be less than you think. Many factors can go into the budget plan of an interior design project. When working on interior design in the workplace for example all of these will have an impact on our project’s final cost. – Area/Size of Project – Construction – Furniture – Custom made joinery – Aesthetic design – Timeline It’s important to maintain open and honest communication with your interior design company from day one. Although you may have a project budget before speaking with your designer, the project’s eventual success is dependent on a realistic budget. To create a realistic budget you will need to calculate two factors: A square meter price and the required square meters. A good base rate is around AED 1,500 per square meter. This price will normally include partitions, ceiling, flooring, MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) and furniture. Once you understand the cost of the basics it’ll be much easier to plan your entire project. These basics will serve as the building blocks to determine how much your dream design will actually cost. Obtaining quotes from multiple interior design companies can provide you with a more detailed range in budget. However, those companies quoting the lowest project budget may not actually end up with the lowest cost. Some interior design companies may offer up a lower quote to start in order to win the contract. Once the project is underway price inflations and variations to the original plan can add up to a completely different final cost. If you understand the factors detailed above you can work alongside your interior design team to prevent this from occurring. Consider instead the interior design company that has taken into account the possible variations and inflations of your project. Paying close attention to the construction timeline and materials cost. Companies with the most industry experience will create the most accurate budget. Choosing the right company with the most accurate budget could make all the difference to your interior design project’s overall feasibility. Take time to consider the impact you hope your project will have on your company’s long-term goals. Research your design team, look into the amount of experience they have designing projects in your area. Have a clear goal in place that includes the impact you hope your interior design project will have. Lastly, take the time to enquire privately for a detailed quote. No two interior design projects are the same. Don’t shy away from detailed questions regarding project size, construction, furniture, custom joinery, aesthetic design and timeline.

Approvals Required for Office Moves in Dubai

It’s a very dynamic time for the professional workplace in Dubai. Millennial’s now dominate the work stratosphere in the world’s professional capitals. Nowhere is this more evident than in Dubai, where 80% of the professional population is made up of people under 45 years of age. These changes are inspiring business growth and many companies are moving offices as a result. Understanding the approvals required for office moves in Dubai is perhaps the most essential part of the process. There are required approvals that must be met before any company can move offices. These approvals vary depending on where your current office is located. For example: Dubai Media City, the DIFC and JLT region within DMCC all have varying requirements for initial approval and final inspection. Here is a complete list of the approvals required to move offices in Dubai Media City, The DIFC and JLT region of the DMCC. In Dubai Media City to gain initial approval step one is submitting proposed drawings to the current landlord before he can release a No Objection Certificate or “NOC”. The next step is to submit for Dubai Civil Defense initial approval which usually takes 2 to 3 working days to process. After that all these documents are submitted with Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. For Final Approval all projects within Dubai Media City will have to submit the Dubai Civil Defense Completion Certificate along with final drawing and an Inspection Request Letter. Buildings under DIFC approvals require a No Objection Certificate to the tower developer rather than the landlord. Companies must also obtain Dubai Creative Clusters Authority permit to work for initial approval. For final project inspection Dubai Civil Defense Inspection must be requested, submitted and approved which normally takes about 3 to 4 working days. When moving to the DMCC zone specifically within JLT all drawing proposals must be submitted to the tower developer to obtain a no objection certificate. Once received companies must submit for approval directly with the DMCC and Concordia. This will provide Concordia the means to complete the Certificate of Conformity inspection. For final inspection Concordia must be allowed to complete inspection prior to the ceiling being closed. After construction is completed companies may submit their projects for Dubai Civil Defense inspection. These approvals are the basic requirements needed for moving offices within Dubai Media City, DIFC and the JLT region of DMCC. Depending on the unique complexity of each project more approvals and inspections may be required. However, when planning your next office move within Dubai it is important to understand the intricacies required.

Reviews of interior design companies in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the UAE

There are hundreds of interior design companies in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the UAE. There are even more factors to consider when choosing the right company for your project. When selecting the right company to collaborate with what factors are most important? Knowing the company’s history is a great place to start. Once you understand what sort of projects an interior design company has completed it’s easier to imagine if they could be the right fit for your project goals. These company reviews will help take the guess work out of choosing the right interior design company for your professional project in Dubai, Abu Dhabi or the UAE. Naturally, the companies with the most interior design experience in have the most knowledge to best serve their clients. However, the companies focusing on the WELL standards have the most modern and original approach. WELL standards focus on seven core elements believed essential for a positive workplace: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards reflect the way interior design is evolving and the line between residential and commercial spaces are blurring more and more. The only WELL Accredited company in Dubai is called Xworks. They also have an executive team with nearly 30 years of experience. With a skilled team of 20 across their Abu Dhabi and Dubai offices they offer turnkey service and all the necessary resources to support projects of all sizes. Xworks has set the standard for the most modern and holistic approach to interior office design specifically. For companies specializing in retail and hospitality interior design 4space and KPS are in close ranking with Xworks. Each having over 15 years of Dubai experience respectively. Though they lack the WELL accreditation, they claim similar priorities of modernization and sustainability. It’s an exciting time for interior design in the commercial space in Dubai. More and more companies will soon have to meet the standard set by these industry leaders. These reviews are based on the current market and likely to continue to evolve over time.

How to maximise efficiency with interior design In Dubai

Dubai is an ever-evolving capital that has made its mark on the globe as a centre of business. With professionalism at it’s heart, the need for a positive work-force has never been more vital. “The design and outfitting of workspace is a major capital investment for any organization that can affect a number of business outcomes, including productivity, employee satisfaction, engagement, talent recruitment, and brand impact.” With new statistics emerging every day proving the necessity for sustainable and functional office elements, many companies are deciding to hire in a specialist interior design company to bring their office space up to more modern standards. The WELL Building Standard is the future of interior office design and focuses on seven elements in order to achieve the highest return on investment – positive and productive employees.  These elements include: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. Implementing these elements can greatly improve the success of any company and following a few innovative office design trends can maximize the efficiency of work-space design. The following trends are known boosters of employee satisfaction, which in turn encourages a more efficiently run business. RETHINK THE DESK Gone are the days of cubicles and individual desks that keep employees sedentary and separated. Incorporating open spaces, height-adjustable desks, and more integrated working stations will promote conversation, thus resulting in more ideas and a uniquely bonded team. The traditional cubicle office has been replaced by open spaces, composed by flexible mobile partition systems, break out areas, informal meeting rooms and relaxation zones. BIOPHILIC DESIGN Exposure to nature is one of the most reliable ways to boost your mental and physical health. Incorporating Mother Nature into office design through natural elements, organic materials, water features, outdoor office extensions, and plant placements throughout the space have real, measurable benefits for human performance metrics such as productivity, emotional well-being, stress reduction, and learning. ERGONOMICS Working in an office can be extremely sedentary. Spending hours of time sat in a chair and at a desk can have extremely negative impacts on both physical and mental health. While avoiding them is not always an option, there are other ways to get rid of the sedentary work lifestyle and that includes choosing the correct office furniture. Soren Kraen, CEO at Xworks, explains the benefits of implementing ergonomic furniture: “We always suggest ergonomically correct sit-stand desks for all offices, because with an adjustable sit-stand desk every single employee gets a desk that they can adjust to fit them exactly. Just as important, the employee gets the possibility of variating his work position between sitting and standing throughout the day.” Incorporating any of these tactics into the work-place will revitalise employees and there are an array of interior design companies in Dubai that specialise in marrying sustainability and functionality within their designs. It is essential to find a company that works under the WELL and LEED building standards in order to achieve the best possible results.

How To Ensure Your Interior Designer Is Up To The Job

Navigating the world of interior design in Dubai can be a difficult task. Due to the sheer number of designers, finding the right one takes some research, but there are a few things to look out for as a general rule.  It is important to compare elements from each company in order to ensure the most successful office fit-out. TIMELINES A designer should be able complete a project within a desired timeline. Make sure to enter the discussion with an idea of how long you would like the process to take as well as what you’d like to be included. Some companies will be able to provide a ‘Turnkey’ service, which means they are capable of finishing all parts of the project, from design to construction. If you are searching for a designer that can be a one-stop-shop, ask for this level of service. APPROVALS A design company that has been in the region for a while will be up to date on building standards and any approvals required. Noting the age of the company and years of experience is essential to having an office-fit-out that will not only meet your expectations, but the legal requirements as well. Knowledge of design encompasses many facets – does their design follow requirements whilst still using the space to it’s full potential? Does every element have a reason to be there and does that reason reflect your company’s ethos? COMPETENCY Testimonials are vital to the decision making process. When searching for the perfect design team, research their portfolio and understand the strengths of every team member and the company as a whole. Ensure they are not only up to the task at hand and have displayed a strong knowledge of approvals and budgets, but look into their ability to adapt to the core values of their clients – your interior design should reflect your company’s vision.  Note which companies have been referred to in the Commercial Interior Design Magazine, read blogs and articles across the internet that showcase the various design companies of Dubai – a successful and trustworthy company will be mentioned across various mediums. While your search for a design team will require your keen interest and research, it will also require preparation. Have a clear idea of the desired aesthetic and ethos, choose a timescale that would work the best, and have a rough budget in mind. These factors will bring you closer to a perfect match and a positive workplace for all to benefit from.

Best Interior Design Companies for Small Businesses: How to Find the Best Deal

Small businesses face the unique challenge of prioritizing growth and preservation simultaneously. Finding this delicate balance sometimes means prioritizing your limited budget over your project needs. This is a dangerous choice to make in the current global dynamic. Especially for small businesses located in Dubai where the finest quality is always king. Before choosing the best interior design company for your small business, consider these facts to find the best deal. Naturally, the companies with the most interior design experience in Dubai have the knowledge to best serve their clients. However these companies tend to be larger themselves and that cost is passed on to the customer. Consider instead the companies with the most innovative approach and smaller staff. There are a select few interior design companies who balance experience with innovation in Dubai. Here are the best interior design companies for small businesses. In Dubai the interior design companies which focusing on the WELL standards have the most modern and original approach. WELL standards focus on seven core elements believed essential  for a positive workplace: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards reflect the evolving office which parallels the evolving professional demographic. Today, nearly 80%  Dubai’s professional population  is made up of people under 45 years of age. Therefore It is vital that employers adopt these modern improvements to attract this socially conscious and forward-thinking group of employees. XWorks comes in at the top of the list. Their executive team has nearly 30 years of experience with interior design in Dubai. Currently, they are the one of the only WELL accredited interior design company in Dubai! Xworks experienced the shift in interior design focus first-hand and fully understand the impact a well designed workspace can have on any brand’s business. Xworks takes a holistic approach with their interior design projects. Meaning the workplaces they design stimulate users to interact, move, be open, and engage, essentially creating a thriving workforce. All while upholding the highest standards in energy efficiency and sustainability. The Xworks team is made up of 20 qualified interior design professionals, their tight-knit team prevents them from passing unnecessary staff cost onto the customer. Next in line with over 26 years of experience in interior design in Dubai is BAFCO. Their design team focuses on sustainable solutions that can save the most money. They’ll choose greener fixtures and fittings, use paints and glues that don’t contain the kinds of chemicals that can make you sick, and bring in more natural light and materials. Because they know that good, sustainable office design not only saves the environment, it can also save you money on energy bills. However, unlike Xworks, BAFCO has a team of over 300 employees. Although they’ve a adopted modern approach to interior design it’s hard for a company of that magnitude to fully understand the needs and restrictions of small businesses.