Best interior design companies for global business: How to ensure your project is in the right hands

The strongest global businesses are as dynamic as the current professional climate. All over the world, Millennials are quickly dominating professional working environments. This is especially true for Dubai, where 80% of the professional population is made up of people under the age of 45. In order to grow as a global business, companies must attract the best and brightest of this new working generation. What sets this the younger working generation apart the most is their social consciousness and their desire for a work-life balance. Global businesses with modern offices designed to inspire productivity and work-life balance are attracting top-level talent. There are hundreds of hundreds of interior design companies in Dubai. Many of which claim to have a modern approach. How do you ensure your company’s interior design project is in the right hands? Naturally, the companies with the most interior design experience in Dubai have the knowledge to best serve their clients. However many of these companies are still utilizing a classic approach to office interior design. Globally, the most cutting-edge interior design projects follow a set of standards that promote overall well-being. These standards are referred to as WELL. WELL standards focus on seven core elements believed essential  for a positive workplace: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards reflect the evolving office which parallels the evolving professional demographic and need for work-life balance. There are a select few interior design companies who balance experience with modern innovation. To ensure your next project is in the right hands, here are the best interior design companies for global businesses. XWorks lands clearly at the top of the list with nearly 30 years of experience in interior design in Dubai. Currently they are the only WELL accredited interior design company in Dubai! Xworks experienced the shift in interior design focus first-hand and fully understand the impact a well designed workspace can have on any brand’s business. Xworks takes a holistic approach with their interior design projects. Meaning the workplaces they design stimulate users to interact, move, be open, and engage, essentially creating a thriving workforce. All while upholding the highest standards in energy efficiency and sustainability. XWorks is therefore the very best interior design company for global companies in Dubai. Close behind is KPS. KPS has completed many projects over the last 20 years. Their goal is to meet the specific aspirations of each client and to provide workplace solutions that enhance their brand identity, operational efficiency, staff morale and ultimately profitability. Although based in Dubai, KPS is an international company specialising in providing interior construction services within the office, hospitality, retail, food and beverage, technology, education and healthcare sectors. Although they have not received WELL accreditation they are clearly one of the best options for global businesses located in Dubai. Last but not least is HortonTech. Although they were only established in 2012 they’ve quickly grown to one of the best and most innovative interior design companies in Dubai. As a British-led company they are rapidly gaining… Continue reading Best interior design companies for global business: How to ensure your project is in the right hands

Innovative design in Dubai: 10 trends proven to improve productivity

Offices throughout the world are changing the way they approach every day work. The landscape of office design is evolving from cubicles and conference rooms to health-friendly and innovative environments shown to improve productivity. Studies are emerging every day noting the benefits of changing design to better reflect a company’s core values as well as the core values of it’s employees. Here is a list of the top 10 trends proven to boost office efficiency in 2017. 1)      Flexible Layouts Utilising space should be a priority when considering your new office fit-out. Large and private conference have become too segregating, and thus designers are instead creating ‘quiet’ spaces within the workplaces, break rooms, glass conference rooms and areas that can be versatile and switch between private and public sections. 2)      Collaborative Furniture An essential part of designing a flexible layout is using furniture that can adapt to new and changing requirements. Think meet-point tables, desk pods, benches that curve and encourage conversation between employees. Collaborative furniture promotes the exchange of ideas and boosts morale in the work place by stimulating the formation of bonds between employees and creating a space where ideas can thrive. 3)      Biophilic Design Bringing the outdoors in decreases the environmental impact of the built environment as well as reconnecting us to the natural world. Being around nature largely impacts our physical and mental well-being.  ‘Studies have shown that our ability to directly access nature can alleviate feelings of stress, promote recovery from mental fatigue, enable better focus, mental stamina and productivity’ This includes exposure to daylight, images of nature, natural materials, and implementing plants and gardens. 4)      Ergonomics In addition to collaborative furniture, consider furniture that will provide workers with comfort. ‘For example, using a laptop on a coffee table from a couch does not support good posture. Neither does cramming your neck while sending an email from a beanbag chair.’ Ergonomics can include adjustable desks and chairs that support your back and the sometimes sedentary life of the office. Using these features can improve productivity by relieving strain and providing comfort. 5)      Technology Technology isn’t about interior design necessarily, but incorporating innovative technology can make the work place more interesting and convenient. Removing wires can allow for flexible layouts, making it easy to take your work anywhere within the new environment. Employees can take their work to a quiet space, or move to a more collaborative region of the space. Using interactive technology like game consoles can bring fun back to the office, which will boost enthusiasm and thus increase productivity. 6)      Movement ‘Latest research confirms that sitting smart, combined with standing and walking options, can have a big impact on worker wellness and productivity.’ Encouraging employees to take the stairs can be one way to wake up a worker’s metabolism, thus having positive impact on their overall health and improving energy levels and productivity. Leading office design team in Dubai, X Works, has set up an internal competition to promote movement. Managing director Kaj Helstrand states, “To achieve the fitness… Continue reading Innovative design in Dubai: 10 trends proven to improve productivity

Best Interior Design Companies in Dubai: 5 Thing you Need to Know to Compare

In recent years office design trends have shifted dramatically, and with Dubai being a global business hub, the need for Interior Design companies has never been more prominent. However, not all companies are created equal, and while Dubai hosts some of the most talented designer teams in the world, it is important to choose one that will reflect your business goals as well as incorporating modern standards that will solidify growth and positive change. Below is a list of things to look for when considering which interior design team should complete your new office fit-out. 1)    ONE-STOP SHOP To save you time and money, it is best to go for a company that can complete all jobs required. This type of design is referred to as a ‘Turnkey’. This means your design company is capable of providing everything from initial design to construction, as well as the finishing touches like furniture, lighting, décor, etc. Regardless of whether you are interested in a full-fit out, a company with these capabilities will be experienced in working with a tight time schedule and budgets, which will ensure a quick turn-around with little time wasted turning your office-space into a modern oasis. 2)    EXPERIENCE A good reputation comes from experience. A company that has been able to withstand the ever-changing design market can be trusted to know the current trends and the benefits of them. Knowledge of the design climate translates to a more efficient and specialized production from conception to completion.  Ask potential designers for an example of previous work – including sizes, styles, budgets and sectors. Most portfolio’s should be available for a preview on their website. Gauge your goal and vision in comparison to their specialty. 3)    WELL & LEED BUILDING STANDARDS WELL Standards are rapidly gaining prominence in Dubai, and the benefits of these sustainable and human-centric designs have been proven to increase employee productivity, engagement and retention WELL focuses on 7 elements: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Water, Comfort, & Mind. These standards cover everything from exercise to mindful eating, natural light, and ergonomic furniture. WELL & LEED are pioneering the office design industry and benefiting both employees and the environment. 4)    VALUE FOR MONEY You get what you pay for. Whilst every designer can accommodate a variety of different budgets, it is important to find a company that can provide a valuable experience. Office design has become so vital to the success of a business, cutting corners is not suggested. Find out what the designer can offer you, and make sure you will receive the best your money can buy – Are the chairs conducive to comfort and of the highest quality possible? Will the space encourage conversation and a positive attitude amongst employees?  How long is the turn-around time? These are all elements that should be discussed in the budget. 5)    PROJECT DIVERSTY Designing an office space is about developing the brand aesthetics as much as it is adhering to building standards. Finding a company that can cater to a brand’s… Continue reading Best Interior Design Companies in Dubai: 5 Thing you Need to Know to Compare

Workspace solutions in Dubai: The developments that bring proven operational efficiency

Dubai is now trending as one of the top urban professional hubs in the world. Incorporating new innovations can bring all businesses to a level of success that has not been previously imagined. Where there’s a will there’s a way, and leading Dubai office design companies are developing new and inventive ways to boost productivity in the world place. While studies continue to emerge, one thing has remained a constant – the WELL Building Standard. Following the seven pillars of this concept will bring your company to the front line of success, while building a healthy mental and physical health amongst your team. What is WELL? WELL is an ideology, structure and certification process that combines design and construction strategies to create healthy workplaces. WELL focuses on bringing up the quality of buildings, where employees spend the majority of their time.  These building standards have been proven to improve efficiency – something that is a vital force behind any successful business. Below is an explanation of the seven facets of the WELL Standard, and how these developments are proven to increase operational efficiency. 1)    AIR The AIR aspect focuses on removing pollution and increasing fresh air. Smoking bans for e-cigarettes are one example, while bringing in biophilic design can promote oxygen flow. 2)    WATER With recycled-air conditioning units, multiple coffees or caffeinated substances, and deadlines, it’s not surprising that a whopping 75% of people are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration leads to fatigue, which can cause foggy memory, irritability and anxiety – all of which are toxic in any environment! Making sure water is readily available, and even focused on will aid in improving efficiency. Some businesses try filtering their water, or making it Alkaline to boost a number of other health benefits. 3)    NOURISHMENT WELL is human-centered, and doesn’t miss a beat. Nourishing our bodies is the best way to keep us in a state of both mental and physical happiness, which is the easiest way to maintain a positive and productive team. WELL requires the availability of fresh, wholesome foods and limits unhealthy ingredients. 4)    LIGHT The circadian system is a biological process that keeps humans in a 24-hour clock. This internal clock relies heavily upon natural daylight to balance hormones and many other factors. With many offices lit up by fluorescent and other artificial lights, our circadian rhythm can be thrown off. This can cause sleep deprivation and digestion issues, among many other negative effects. It is vital to have natural light or circadian lighting systems to keep your employees bodies working in their natural way. This has unimaginable effects on wellbeing. 5)    FITNESS At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity five days a week is necessary to achieve optimal health, including weight management and disease prevention. In today’s office world, the majority of people are sedentary. WELL promotes physical activity and implements strategies to put employees in motion where possible. 6)    COMFORT WELL requires designers to produce a distraction-free, productive and comfortable environment. Acoustics, ergonomics, thermal comfort and olfactory… Continue reading Workspace solutions in Dubai: The developments that bring proven operational efficiency

Innovative design for global businesses

In recent years we have seen an increase in new designs being implemented in offices across the globe. These innovative spaces are inspired by the ever-changing demographics in the current work force. Millennial’s now make up 80% of the professional populations in cities like Dubai, and demand a different type of office space that provides a sense of purpose and contributes to the greater good. In response to this, interior design has had to take a different shape, incorporating nature, fitness and nutrition to promote positivity and productivity. Innovative design is leading the way to success on a global scale. Innovation has emerged under the blanket of physical and mental health, with designs focusing on empowering employees to seek the best in themselves, thus bringing the best to the work place. A prime example of this is the WELL Building standards, which focus on seven concepts that are proven to boost morale and positivity. These seven concepts include: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Nourishment, Light, Fitness and Mind. Applying innovations that fit within these sectors is a fail-proof way to watch your business achieve the best results. Thinking globally means thinking human-centred. Designs should tackle issues by looking directly at the needs of the people being designed for and should create new solutions that are made to suit their needs. Applying design to any business should aesthetically reflect a company’s core values, but must also interpret the employee’s needs and answer them through various designs. Is the office too hectic and loud? It might be wise to consider acoustic panels. Is the space balanced enough to provide public and private spaces without segregating anyone? Look into glass panels, or chill-out zones. Are your employees fatigued and under-productive or irritable? Nutrition, fitness, and light should be assessed. Under the WELL standards, global business will thrive. Millenial’s are now considering work-place dynamic’s when on the job-search, which makes innovative office design an effective tool to recruiting, as well as retaining talent and creating a strong sense of identity. Employees should represent the company, and there is no better way to do that than to accurately communicate the core values in the form of design – through art, carefully considered spaces, colour organisation, and furniture. In addition, creating a space that puts the employees well-being first will result in an increase in energy levels and in turn a highly efficient team. Existing in the global business market means making adjustments to the office. Innovative designs are essential should any company wish to remain relevant. Big changes are taking place within the office interior design world, and these changes are trail-blazing the way to a healthier and more productive work place.

How much does an interior design cost in Dubai

How to achieve long term ROI from productivity solutions Due to the evolving professional landscape in cities like Dubai, many companies are considering hiring an interior designer to complete an office fit-out. Inspired by the new wave of millennial workers, modern office design puts a big focus on sustainability and functionality. Designs factor in the environment and place a big importance on the mental and physical wellbeing of their employees. This is reflected in the surge of new building standards such as WELL and LEED, which are “human-centred” designs that build a space to represent the values and belief systems of the company and it’s workers. These designs are proven to increase positivity and productivity in the office and have many other desirable effects. But, how much does this cost? When deciding on a design and working out the cost, you must consider all of the components involved. This will have a direct effect on the affordability of the project. Area/Size of Project Construction Furniture Custom made joinery Aesthetic design WELL Standard Timeline Being prepared to communicate these factors to a designer is very important. Once you have a goal in mind, you will need to calculate two factors: A square meter price and the required square meters. A good base rate is around AED 1,500 per square meter. This price will normally include partitions, ceiling, flooring, MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) and furniture, but the price will vary depending on the choice of materials and requirements of proper indoor climate and environmental standards. When considering any design, think of the long-term impact and don’t cut corners. While having a more aesthetically pleasing office can make a difference, there are many other factors that will bring you a much higher return on investment. The real ROI when choosing to implement a new design is the wellbeing of employees – happy and healthy employees have less sick days, work harder and are more passionate about the work and the brand, thus improving efficiency and profit. Designers that follow the WELL standards will be more knowledgeable of the beneficial effects of an office-fit out and how to create them. Materials and custom-makes will affect the price, but can also bring the design closer to representing the core values of the company. There has never been a better time to re-design your work place. Dubai is the host of many experienced interior designers and there is a high demand for more sustainable and functional offices. Research your design team, have a clear goal in place, and enquire privately for a quote – this will aid you in bringing your work place up to optimal operational efficiency.

Bringing innovation and efficiency to the workplace

When planning out any interior design project, one of the first questions asked is: How much is this going to cost? This may seem like the most important factor, however think instead of potential long-term impact a well designed workplace can have. An interior design project structured on budget alone can end up costing much more than you originally bargained. If you pair your project with a company focused on innovation and efficiency in the workplace your project could end up paying for itself. While having a more aesthetically pleasing office can give your business a much needed boost upfront. Designing a workplace that actually functions better will have a far greater influence on your company’s future. Choosing to implement workplace designs that promote the wellbeing of employees will make all the difference. Happy and healthy employees take fewer sick days, they tend to work harder and feel more passionate about their position within the company. This translates naturally into a more efficient and innovative workplace. Interior Designers that follow the WELL standards will be more knowledgeable of the beneficial effects of an office-fit out and know how to create them. In Dubai the interior design companies which focusing on the WELL standards have the most modern and original approach. WELL standards focus on seven core elements believed essential  for a positive workplace: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards reflect the evolving office which parallels the evolving professional demographic. Today, nearly 80%  Dubai’s professional population  is made up of people under 45 years of age. Therefore It is vital that employers adopt these modern improvements to attract this socially conscious and forward-thinking group of employees. Other factors that determine your interior design budget are: The Area/Size of Project Construction Furniture Custom made joinery Aesthetic design Timeline It’s important to maintain open and honest communication with your interior design company from day one. Although you may have a project budget before speaking with your designer, the project’s eventual success is dependent on a realistic budget. To create a realistic budget you will need to calculate two factors: A square meter price and the required square meters. A good base rate is around AED 1,500 per square meter. This price will normally include partitions, ceiling, flooring, MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) and furniture. Once you understand the cost of the basics it’ll be much easier to plan your entire project. These basics will serve as the building blocks to determine how much your total design project will actually cost.

What is workplace analysis: How to ensure you maximise your space for the best results

Workplace analysis is a study that was developed by Rapal Oy in order to discover and assess the efficiency of space usage. The study, which is now a benchmark review, focuses on analysing an office by observing the space including how much each area, chair, etc. is utilized by staff as well as the employees needs and satisfaction rates concerning their environment. Once the data is gathered, a design company can use the findings to create a workplace that reflects the needs and wants of both the company and it’s employees. The analysis also provides another positive result – by discovering exactly how much space an office needs, a company will save money by getting rid of ‘wasted space’. A term that has been introduced over the last decade is “activity-based offices’. Activity-based encompasses workplaces that bring employees together at desks, around collaborative furniture and in open meeting rooms in order to encourage movement and team building. Studies have shown that these offices promote mental and physical health, thus boosting team morale and business performance. By observing the movements of employees, an accurate design approach can be implemented, bringing positive results all around. What defines a space? – Chairs – Desks – Walls – Meeting rooms – Recharging areas – Temporary seats – Couches – Cafeterias – Coffee rooms – Lounges   Whilst all of these elements can contribute to an office, some of them may be unnecessary.  During a workplace analysis all of these areas will be assessed.  During a measurement, activities will also be measured. This allows the designer to learn about what kind of work people do in different work settings, meeting rooms and other spaces. The end goal of a work place analysis to is to ensure efficiency of design. In order to achieve optimal efficiency, there are three stages of a measurement: preparation, performing walkthroughs, and viewing results. Extensive training is given to all those that conduct observational studies in order to ensure that interpretation and gathering of the data is systematic and coherent. It is vital to lead all office designs towards an activity-based workplace, but the style and shape will vary due to differences in work culture, thus the analysis is an important step in deciding what changes need to be made. Activity-Based workplaces also enables “over booking” of work seats and flex-work policies that give employees the freedom to work outside the office, which frees up office space and allows for areas to be utilised in more innovative ways.

How to utilise space in your workplace in Dubai

Offices around the world are rapidly evolving. The stereotyped cubicle layout is now becoming a thing of the past and companies are now realizing that in order to keep up with the ever changing environmental, economical, and professional landscape, they must adapt. Workplace analysis is a great step to discovering what space is needed and what space is unnecessary. By working with an experienced designer, businesses will thrive through observing the nature of their employees against the backdrop of their office and making positive changes to better suit their goals. Workplace analysis focuses on accounting for every inch of an office and breaking it down into a statistic in order to show what elements are vital to productivity, and which are unused and wasted. For instance, if your team often spends time in the kitchen having informal meetings, perhaps creating meeting-rooms with a more relaxed atmosphere would better suit your staff. Some questions that a workplace analysis will explore: How many desks are used? How many chairs are there? Which rooms are utilised the most by staff? Is every employee needed in the office? What do employees like the most about the office, and the least? Who in the office cooperates the most? These people should be placed closer together. Once data has been gathered, an experienced interior design company can translate it so that it will aid in the production of your new space. The next step is creating the design so that it utilizes the space appropriately, cuts down on costs due to the elimination of ‘dead space’ and promotes positivity and well-being. This type of workplace is called an Activity-Based office. These types of workplaces have 40% less space per person due to less walls, room, and dead space, making it easier to furnish and more encouraging of movement and collaboration. Discovering which elements can boost business performance is the most beneficial point of doing a re-design. In addition to the data gathered through the workplace analysis, it is important to bring your office up to modern standards that make sustainability and mental and physical well-being a priority. A good way to gauge whether your design is taking the right steps is to follow the WELL standards, which focus on seven core elements that are proven to make a positive impact on the employee’s health and boost business productivity. Some of the more specific aspects of WELL are incorporating fitness, collaborative furniture, and changing the office desk mentality. Utilising space to create movement will not only benefit the employee’s physical and mental state, but in turn will create an office where there is less solitary areas and more space to encourage team bonding. Assessing the needs of staff and the functionality of an office will create optimal productivity.

Best interior design companies in Dubai for global businesses

Global business is dominated by a diverse and dynamic group of employees that require a reflection of their work culture to be represented in their workplace design. With the professional landscape being introduced to a new generation of employees, the need for adaption is more vital than ever. Millennial’s are now dominating the face of global business, especially in business capitals like Dubai, and companies have new competition to face in the hiring world. What makes this generation different is their desire for a career that provides a sense of purpose and contributes to the greater good. Milennials will continue to influence change in office innovation, but within that change a more efficient business performance will emerge. In order to be a more conscious and globally effective business, your design must feature a set of standards that will promote physical and mental well-being and the WELL standards serve as the benchmark. WELL focused on seven core elements proven to be essential for a healthy workplace. These elements include: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort and Mind. These standards are aligned with the evolving professional demographic and need for work-life balance. A handful of companies are experienced in modern innovation. Here is a list of the best interior design companies for global business: XWorks With over 30 years of experience in interior design, XWorks lands at the top of the list for trusted design. Being one of the only WELL accredited interior design companies in Dubai, they fully understand the benefits of a WELL designed workplace and have an efficient system in place to produce designs that reflect the needs of any company. Their initial analysis of any business includes observing the space and the actions of the employees, helping them to decide exactly what needs to be implemented as far as furniture, layout, and brand identity is concerned. XWorks has a holistic approach to developing interior designs that encourages employees to interact, move and engage, creating a thriving workplace. They deliver results of the highest standards in energy efficiency and sustainability. KPS KPS has completed many projects over the last two decades. They focus on meeting the specific goals of each client and create workplace solutions that enhance brand identities, operational efficiency, and profitability. KPS specializes in various industries including: office, hospitality, retail, food and beverage, technology education and healthcare. Although they do not use WELL standards, their experience and variety of projects make them a clear choice for any future design project. HortonTech Though only established in 2012, HortonTech has quickly become one of the most innovative design companies in the UAE. They are rapidly gaining a reputation for quality and integrity and bring unique practices such as 3D rendering to their designs. They specialize in the commercial, hospitality and retail sectors. When considering who to hire for your design, make sure to choose a company you trust bringing your office to modern standards. Prior to meeting a potential designer, have a clear idea of your ethos and how you want your business to be… Continue reading Best interior design companies in Dubai for global businesses

Latest Trends in Office Interior Design

Corporate Giants like Google and Pixar have revolutionized the workspace. More and more businesses are embracing a more unconventional office in order to stimulate and inspire their employees. While simply changing the aesthetics of a building by adding splashes of colour can prove beneficial, there are several interior design trends for the workspace that are sure to boost positivity and productivity. 1)    Collaboration Bringing collaboration to the workplaces means creating spaces that encourage discussion and bring employees together. One of the best ways to do this is to utilise collaborative furniture. Furniture can quickly transform open plan rooms and motivates employees to share ideas – which is the most paramount detail when having a successful business. Consider lounge furniture that twists and curves so that employees find themselves facing their peers rather than sitting side to side. Mobile displays and kiosks and enforce the sharing of space, thus bringing teams together in various places throughout the office. 2)    Re-designing for Organisation There are various elements that can bring organisation to the forefront of any design. Modern workspaces are adapting a much more minimalist aesthetic and functionality in order to smooth out the kinks and reduce stress. Technology is one way to re-think spaces, by converting old paper files to digital you lose wasted space and can utilise it in a much more functional way. The next step to creating a more tidy and thoughtful space is to remove the walls. Create spaces using other methods, like using glass walls, or unique dividers. 3)    Activity-based design Bring employees together in open multi-purpose areas and rid the office of one-job desks surrounded by cubicle walls. Wireless work has removed the need for a static workspace, so opening up the office to let employees travel from area to area, encourages collaboration and boosts psychological and physical health. 4)    Inspire  Inspire employees with art installations, colour & comfort. Bring the outside in with Biophilic design and natural light. Choose new ways to bring people together with 3D imaging and meeting or break rooms that eliminate the seriousness. Creating a relaxed atmosphere will bring employee’s mental state to a level of comfort and happiness, thus solidifying enjoyment, which has been proven to boost productivity. 5)    WELL Standards The most important trend of 2017 is implementing the WELL Standards. These standards centre around 7 core values that have been proven to increase productivity in the work place by boosting mental and physical health. The WELL Standards incorporate air, water, nourishment, fitness, comfort and mind into the workspace design. The focus is on the connection between the buildings  employees spend time on and how they have an impact on their occupants. WELL Standards are the forefront of modern design and have proven paramount to a company’s success. Each of these categories broadens to include many different elements. Incorporating movement in an office can mean many different things, just as bringing in nature could be facilitated through ‘live’ walls of vines or simply more glass to show daylight. One thing is certain, these… Continue reading Latest Trends in Office Interior Design

What are the requirements when choosing an interior designer for large corporates?

Many large corporations are deciding to re-consider their workspaces in order to boost productivity and positivity within the office. However, finding the right designer to handle the fit out of a larger company can take some looking into and it is important to find one that ticks all the right boxes. Whether an interior designer will be re-structuring an existing office or starting with a shell, there a few key things to look out for when hiring the right one. 1)     Workplace Analysis Workplace analysis is a very thorough study that involves an observation of a workspace in order to accurately decipher what elements of an office are either benefiting or hindering staff members. During the study a designer will look at every aspect of the office – furniture, amount of people, walls, who collaborates with who the best or the most often, which rooms are used the most, and what is missing from the space that could be a potential aid to productivity. Not all interior design companies offer this service and finding one that is knowledgeable and experienced in working with large corporates is vital. 2)     Environment An interior designer should be able to work out what the goals of a corporation are and how the environment can make achieving these goals more attainable.  Have a clear idea of what your ethos is and ask how the designer plans to represent it best. Creating an environment that reflects the core values of any large corporate company will produce more positive benefits than a workspace that exists merely as a meeting point. 3)     Furniture Furniture not only uses a lot of space, but it greatly impacts the way employees work. Workplace Analysis is the first step in deciding which pieces of furniture are contributing and which pieces are wasting space. The comfort of staff is also important when observing how furniture aids the workspace. Knowledge of which types of furniture creates the most comfort (for instance, ergonomic furniture) is paramount to developing a space that feels relaxing and does not cause any strain to employees bodies. Removing some furniture can also benefit a workspace by encouraging more movement, which is known to increase positivity and productivity. 4)     Space Planning An experienced designer will know how to manipulate a large space for positive results and they will have good knowledge of large spaces as well as working for corporations. Make sure to inquire about their previous work and make sure they will be handle the workload involved in creating a new workspace for a company with many employees and even multiple branches. This list gives with an idea of what capabilities a potential designer should have. Always make sure to have a clear idea of your goals and needs when engaging in a discussion with a designer.